Friday, January 28, 2005

(10/04) Prescott, AZ. Beer festival Posted by Hello

(10/04) Prescott, AZ. Beer festival. Don't be fooled by the cute little beer glasses...we got quite "happy" that afternoon!Posted by Hello

(10/04)Tyler and his daddy, Jacksonville, FL Zoo. Well, for the very twisted, this picture pretty much speaks for itself...considered telling Thor to reposition himself but didn't want to spoil the gorilla's good time. Posted by Hello

(10/09/04) Jacksonville, FL. Tyler's birthday party. Posted by Hello

(10/04) Thor's son, Tyler, at the Jacksonville Zoo Posted by Hello

New York (10/03/04) Birthday pic... Posted by Hello

New York (10/03/04) Sheila and Candice Posted by Hello

New York (10/10/03) Barrie with Moumie and Martha's baby, Miette Malaika Posted by Hello

(11/08/03) Wedding Photo... Not too many have seen this picture (or any pics of our wedding), since it took place without the knowledge of most who might have cared!!! Oh well... have never paid too much attention to ceremony...a tendency I'll definitely have to quash if I am to survive socially in Japan! Posted by Hello

Pre-Japan. Thor and Mommy (Kim) at park in Prescott, AZ (10/04). Posted by Hello

Pre-Japan. Thor's mum, after climbing down from a big rock (she doesn't like heights!) in Prescott, Arizona. (10/04) Posted by Hello

Inside the Tokyo Tower (12/20/04). Sent at least a dozen people hurtling to their deaths in order to clear room to have this pic taken... Posted by Hello

With Xavier in Phoenix, AZ (10/23/04) Posted by Hello

Pre-Japan. Visiting with Nicole, Jackie and Xavier in Phoenix, AZ (10/23/04) Posted by Hello

Our home in Maborikaigan. It's a great house -- three bedrooms, tiny living room, big kitchen, 2 bathrooms...

The toilets have heated seats, which is kinda weird -- makes you feel like a really fat person spent a really long time on the pot just before you...but given how cold it gets in the winter (insulation is apparently untranslatable and/or unheard of here) you grow to just love it! Toilets also have bidet and other functions. There's a little nozzle that protrudes out from the bowl (kind of like the frother nozzle on a cappucinno machine...and, more ominously, kind of like an anal probe. Let's just say that so far, have not been adventurous enough to try any of the many functions of our toilet.

House has a history behind owned by the father of lead guitar player of a band called X-Japan (they broke up in the late 90s, but I think still exist in some altered form; in their heyday they were a kind of hard core glam rock band--big hair, big makeup, but also apparently strains of The Smiths...) Anyway, the lead guitar player (Hide--pronounced hiday) committed suicide in the late 90s (not in this house, though according to our neighbours, he did spend time here!). In life and even moreso in death he had/has a huge cult following...sort of an Elvis thing...rumours that he's not dead, etc. There's even a museum named after--and completely devoted to--him. (We went -- it was cool). Posted by Hello

Thor, standing in front of miniature of Tokyo Tower Posted by Hello

View from Tokyo Tower (12/20/04) Posted by Hello

In front of the Tokyo Tower (12/20/04) Well, I just couldn't resist the opportunity to take a picture with this guy...apart from the slightly deformed head, you can probably guess why....
One of the things I've noticed since my arrival here is how everyone--old and young alike--responds positively to things that are considered "cute," although in this case the line between cute and totally phallic is a little blurred! Posted by Hello

Tokyo Tower at night (12/20/04) Though lighter (made out of giant paperclips?) than the Eiffel, it's actually taller (334 meters). Terrific views of the city, though as with most tourist attractions, absolutely teeming with people... Posted by Hello

Zozoji Temple, Tokyo (December 20, 04) It's a cliche to say that Japan combines the traditional and the modern, but the reality is, does! Walk less than half a kilometer down the road and you'll be back to the future, with all the glass, steel and concrete that that entails...Actually, temple is located in what is know as the "garden district," just a few minutes walk from the Tokyo Tower.

Messing around at home, wearing teeny, tiny "Brazil" tank top (courtesy of Doug & Barrie), trying to figure out how to take pictures without having an actual person behind the lens. Necessary because resumes in Japan require a photograph...eventually figured out that I probably shouldn't wear teeny, tiny tank top!

I'm in!


I've just muddled my way through to the beginning of something hopes!

Having almost no techie "no how," feel a sense of I really doing, Candice, the black Gidget, creating a blog? Hmmm....

Hopefully, will learn to navigate this new world, post a profile, add pics, etc. Bear with me!