May 21, 05 (Chichibu Tama Kai National Park)
Thor and I went on a climbing/camping trip to Chichibu Tama Kai National Park back in May...It was a wonderful trip -- beautiful park, challenging climbs. They even had an indoor onsen (hot spring) though despite the fact that there were male and female baths, only the women on the climbing trip actually decided to avail ourselves; I guess men just like being stinky (?)
Immediately upon our return from that climbing trip, Thor left, and in his absence, I often found myself alone in the house, playing obsessively with our newly purchased rock climbing ropes. I spent many an hour learning how to tie the "figure eight" knot, the "bowline knot," the "clove hitch," and the "alpine" and "double alpine butterfly" knots (I just love the internet! Such helpful animated graphics for spatially challenged individuals like me -- why you can even learn how to tie one of several variations on the hangman's noose!) .
Sometimes, I'd even take a short length of rope with me while riding the train (passing time absentmindly tying my perfect climbing knots). After a while, I realized--based on the freaked out looks of fellow passengers--that I had begun executing with clinical precision the perfect "hangman's noose." Needless to say, I soon stopped tying knots (climbing or otherwise) at home or anywhere else for that matter.
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