Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Shiver me timbers

My first! My very first....My precciousssss. Well, my first earthquake anyway. Or rather, the first earthquake I've experienced in Japan which had nothing to do with the ecstasy induced by the touch of my man (or of my own trusty left hand – Man/Hand: you are equally preccioussssss to me).

Kinda weird, feeling the earth shiver. This one made me think of a giant cat or dog twitching not so violently in its sleep before settling back down into deep repose. And then cameth cliche revelation: I am flea! We are all fleas!!! [Note to self: Self? No need to worry about not finishing that novel/memoir/writing project. You are flea. Flea cannot write!]

Not too strong of quake...the Bose(tm) speakers on their delicate metal stalks trembled a little, floor moved every so slightly, curtains did a little shimmy shimmy. Nothing crashed, nothing banged. No screams of terror issued forth from the books on the shelves in my study. All in all pretty tame. Not that I wanted any more. Especially not being prepared for it.

So after the quake, what me do? Me saunter into kitchen to take stock of supply of Cliff Bars(tm) and MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat, because Uncle Sam Really Wants enjoy a black bean burrito, crackers, peanut butter, M&M's(tm) and "grape drink" while you're waiting to blow someone's ass/be blown to smithereens). Me note that gallon jugs of water are not very portable and add case of 12 oz bottles of Aquafina(tm) or Poland Springs (tm) to grocery list. What me doing? Me thinking of putting together the survival knapsack I've always dreamed of having at the ready. Find flashlight! Put together first aid kit! Where are my waterproof pants, sensible shoes and a comfy old wool sweater?!!! Waterproof underwear(?) Passport?!! Squeaky, my favourite stuffed rat? Where's the cutlass?!!!

Then, I stopped and put down the grape drink. After all, what me thinking? No telling when nature, oh inscrutable force that Ye are, will decide to shake things up. Do I really want to carry a survival pack wherever I go? Already lug around a gazillion books and stuff. Like Scottie on Star Trek, heard my inner brogue yelling, "Captain, she's not gonna hold much longer!"

So me saunter back to living room and curl up on futon-type mattress bed thingie with book. Yes, book...My own, my very own, my...preccioussss...I'm back.


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