Thursday, April 20, 2006


I’ve done a couple of itty bitty bits of modeling – a web-based promo for Docomo (Japanese telephone co.); a video for Honda’s booth at the Tokyo Motor show, and most recently, a t.v. commercial for a sports drink called Vaam. I’d never heard of it but was naturally thrilled when I learned, after filming the commercial, that Vaam’s special ingredient consists essentially of killer wasp vomit (I’m not kidding).

My job at the junior high school has ended and I’ve decided not to return (mostly because the Board of Ed. has decided to quadruple the hours while increasing the pay by only 150 percent, and also expects their hires to run a circuit of seven or eight schools instead of being devoted to one). Instead, I’ve found a few new private students and hope to gather in a few more. Starting in May, I’ll also volunteer five hours a week at my old school (I grew to really like many of the kids!) However, for the time being, I’m content to work less and have more time to work on sorting through the shameful scribblings I’ve got stored on my laptop. It’s a quest for redemption on my part, probably never ending, though I remain firmly convinced that I’m on the Henry Miller track to authordom (or is it authordoom?) and will be able to say, “I finished something”, whether publishable or not by the time I hit forty.

I’ve gone to the gym a couple of times (dragged kicking and screaming) and found that it’s actually great to work out – I have fuzzy memories of doing so a lot more regularly while living in Florida, so will make effort to get there at least couple of times a week. Best part of the gym here is the wonderful massage chairs you can sit in after a couple of hours of heavy lifting….

I often find myself wandering down dark little alleyways (the kind mums caution their daughters to stay out of). In fact, my favourite bar lies precisely at the end of such an alleyway. It's very safe over here but years of NYC living have left me with a barely visible patina of paranoia. This bar is well worth the risk though, since Charley’s (aka Casablanca) is one of only a handful of truly wonderful, wacky places that exists here in Yokosuka.

It’s a karaoke bar patronized by a mixture of locals and expats – mostly an over thirty crowd with a penchant for Elvis or country music, but occasionally there is the appearance of a breath of air (calling it fresh might be a bit of a stretch) – for example, a couple of amply endowed young Caucasian ladies recently came into to treat us all to their rendition of Sir Mix A Lot’s “Baby Got Back:” “I like big butts and I cannot lie….”
I was moved almost to tears, my friends.

I was introduced to Charley’s by a fellow English teacher, a guy who has lived over here for the past 20 plus years, and I’ll be forever grateful. The proprietor is really a sweetheart – ultimately he’s the reason everyone goes there – and I’ve grown really fond of him in just a few short months.

People tell me that I’ve got a good voice (it’s okay, I guess and mind you most people who go there do drink a fair bit, so I’m not planning on sending a tape into American Idol anytime soon). I’ve found my singing/vamping niche: Sade, Sarah Vaughn, Karen Carpenter….anything kinda lower key and jazzy tends to suit me just fine. I’ve even learnt a few Japanese songs, something that seems to amaze both Americans and Japanese alike. Perhaps they’d be less amazed if they realized that I hardly understood what it is that I’m singing…

Thor is in Florida visiting Tyler for the next two weeks and leaves in May for the big cruise. Hopefully, I'll meet up with him in Singapore and also get to spend some time with LeMon and Alex who recently moved over there. I'd love to travel more -- this summer Hong Kong or Australia...and next year, hopefully Thailand or India or New Zealand. We'll see...


At 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Candice, Denise from Toronto (Mummy's friend) - she told me about you living in Japan and naturally could not wait to read you blog. it is wonderful - have enjoyed reading the previous postings - can hear the mischeviousness in your words. Take care and continue having fun.

At 1:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.


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