Monday, March 14, 2011

The truth is things are not so

Another day, another couple of aftershocks. All is still okay where I am. Unfortunately, I'm ready to kill the composer of CNN's "disaster" lead-in music. But that's my fault for being unable to tear myself away (the English broadcast is invaluable). It's hard to focus on doing much else while not at work. The truth is that in this complete shit storm, I have the privilege of being merely "inconvenienced" (sporadic train service; rolling black outs; no Twinkies(tm) or Ring Dings(tm) or Ho Hos(tm) on the shelves at the convenience store (forget bread!)) by what for thousands is an utter nightmare. Am just beginning to wonder whether my rock climbing harness should go into my "bug the fuck out bag" (carabiners were a no-brainer -- they are small!); but so far have been content to settle for undies,toothpaste, toilet paper, matches, beef jerky, and 800 mg ibuprofen. And of course, a cutlass. Not yet at the point where I wished I knew an iodine tab dealer. But definitely thinking that, in the future, I will stop hoarding my mattress money in coins. Off to do something to chicken, potatoes, turnips and carrots...


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