Friday, March 18, 2011

It's good to have priorities during a crisis

Several non-Japanese friends have left the area or country. Others are vociferous in claiming that such actions are not necessary. And others, like me, are in a state of constant vigilance, passports at the ready, just in case...

I feel sad that the real horror of the tremendous loss of life and damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami has been eclipsed by the question-riddled situation at Fukushima. Vewwy, vewwy tired, but realize that being merely exhausted is actually a privilege given what has actually happened to so many.

Think I'll take the day off tomorrow -- not just from work, but also from CNN saturation, from various conflicting assessments and prognoses, and from what amounts to earning e-credits towards a Ph.D. in nuclear physics in my futile attempt to get a handle on what is really going on.

When my very own, (my precioussssss!!!) first ever box of wine runs dry, I will scurry out and grab a bottle of bloody expensive champagne. Unlike some other basics, I'm sure finding good champagne will be easy as pie. Yes, I said it: At least for me, good champagne IS a "basic" in a crisis like this.

Once purchased, I will not add the champagne to my "bugger off" bag. I will drink it. While doing so, I will consider the logistics of taking a "weekend" trip; not because things seem so uncertain or because I'm freaking out, but because I'm ready for a break from being caught between what feels like manic denial (work), borderline panic (where the fuck are the English muffins!?) and a feeling that disturbingly resembles numbing boredom (recreational activities have tapered off markedly of late - even playing Scrabble is no fun). At the very least, I'm certain I will sleep better in a hotel room somewhat removed from the situation here. Will unplug the TV as soon as I arrive.

Perhaps I will buy two bottles of champagne so I can have a "travel bottle." If I must worry while on my trip, I will try to confine my concerns to the possibility of bed bugs.


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